Karat? Carat?
Some of customers asked us about that question, what’s difference between the karat and carat?
General definition:
When we say 24kt or 24k Gold jewelry, we mean that all the 24 parts in the gold are just pure gold without traces of any other metal(s) or 99.9 percent pure.
When we say 22kt or 22k Gold Jewelry we mean that 22 parts of the jewelry, is gold and the balance 2 parts are some other metal(s) or equal to 91.3 percent gold
plus 8.6 percent of some other metal alloy
When we say 18Kt or 18k Gold Jewelry, we mean that 18 parts of the jewelry is gold and the balance 6 parts is some other metal or equal to about 75 percent gold
plus 25 percent of some other metal alloy
We can roughly state that each Karat is equal to approximately 4.1625 percent.
The difference of the other metal or alloys of the metal, gives the jewelry its hardness and color. We can state that 24 Karat is the softest and 10 karat the hardest,
because 10kt would have 41.6 percent gold and the balance would be other metals which are mostly harder than gold.
The color from the other metals enhances the beauty of the jewelry as the case may be, white gold, yellow gold, red gold etc.
It can show the karat of gold alloy:
Mesurable weight: 300/600g Karat resolution:9.0K~24.0Karat
Mesurable weight: 1,200/2,000/3000g Karat resolution:9K~24Karat
Carat :
Carat and Karat are not to be confused, Carat is not a percentage, it is rather a measure in which gemstones are weighed, the word carat was derived from the carat
seeds which were once used for measuring as they were mostly constant in weight.
1 carat or ct. is equal to about 200 milligrams or about 1/5th of a Gram.
For example a huge 5 ct. pc of diamond would be just 1 gram in weight.
(that is the reason why our precious and semiprecious stone gold jewelry is expensive compared to plain gold jewelry).
It can show the carat of Gemstone
Measurable weight : 600carat Carat resolution: 0.001carat
If any other question, please feel free to contact me!